42 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a deep recurrent model for prediction of readmission in urgent care using electronic health records

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    There has been a steady growth in machine learning research in healthcare, however, progress is difficult to measure because of the use of different cohorts, task definitions and input variables. To take the advantage of the availability and value of digital health data, we aim to predict unplanned readmissions to the intensive care unit (ICU) from a publicly available Critical Care dataset called Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC-III). In this research, we formulate a heterogeneous LSTM and CNN architecture specifically to create a model of readmission risk. Our proposed predictive framework outperformed all the benchmark classifiers such as support vector machine, random forest and logistic regression models on all performance measures (AUC, accuracy and precision) except on recall where random forest performed slightly better. Predictions from these models will help in resource planning and decrease mortality or length of stay in clinical care settings

    COVID-19 detection and disease progression visualization: Deep learning on chest X-rays for classification and coarse localization

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    Chest X-rays are playing an important role in the testing and diagnosis of COVID-19 disease in the recent pandemic. However, due to the limited amount of labelled medical images, automated classification of these images for positive and negative cases remains the biggest challenge in their reliable use in diagnosis and disease progression. We implemented a transfer learning pipeline for classifying COVID-19 chest X-ray images from two publicly available chest X-ray datasets1,2. The classifier effectively distinguishes inflammation in lungs due to COVID-19 and Pneumonia from the ones with no infection (normal). We have used multiple pre-trained convolutional backbones as the feature extractor and achieved an overall detection accuracy of 90%, 94.3%, and 96.8% for the VGG16, ResNet50, and EfficientNetB0 backbones respectively. Additionally, we trained a generative adversarial framework (a CycleGAN) to generate and augment the minority COVID-19 class in our approach. For visual explanations and interpretation purposes, we implemented a gradient class activation mapping technique to highlight the regions of the input image that are important for predictions. Additionally, these visualizations can be used to monitor the affected lung regions during disease progression and severity stages

    A deep learning approach for length of stay prediction in clinical settings from medical records

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    Deep neural networks are becoming an increasingly popular solution for predictive modeling using electronic health records because of their capability of learning complex patterns and behaviors from large volumes of patient records. In this paper, we have applied an autoencoded deep neural network algorithm aimed at identifying short(0-7 days) and long stays (>7 days) in hospital based on patient admission records, demographics, diagnosis codes and chart events. We validated our approach using the de-identified MIMIC-III dataset. This proposed autoencoder+DNN model shows that the two classes are separable with 73.2% accuracy based upon ICD-9 and demographics features. Once vital chart events data such as body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate information available after 24 hour of admission is added to the model, the classification accuracy is increased up to 77.7%. Our results showed a better performance when compared to a baseline random forest model

    COVID-19 detection and disease progression visualization: Deep learning on chest X-rays for classification and coarse localization

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    Chest X-rays are playing an important role in the testing and diagnosis of COVID-19 disease in the recent pandemic. However, due to the limited amount of labelled medical images, automated classification of these images for positive and negative cases remains the biggest challenge in their reliable use in diagnosis and disease progression. We applied and implemented a transfer learning pipeline for classifying COVID-19 chest X-ray images from two publicly available chest X-ray datasets {https://github.com/ieee8023/covid-chestxray-dataset},{https://www.kaggle.com/paultimothymooney/chest-xray-pneumonia}}. The classifier effectively distinguishes inflammation in lungs due to COVID-19 and pneumonia (viral and bacterial) from the ones with no infection (normal). We have used multiple pre-trained convolutional backbones as the feature extractor and achieved an overall detection accuracy of 91.2% , 95.3%, 96.7% for the VGG16, ResNet50 and EfficientNetB0 backbones respectively. Additionally, we trained a generative adversarial framework (a cycleGAN) to generate and augment the minority COVID-19 class in our approach. For visual explanations and interpretation purposes, we visualized the regions of input that are important for predictions and a gradient class activation mapping (Grad-CAM) technique is used in the pipeline to produce a coarse localization map of the highlighted regions in the image. This activation map can be used to monitor affected lung regions during disease progression and severity stages

    Human activity recognition with inertial sensors using a deep learning approach

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    Our focus in this research is on the use of deep learning approaches for human activity recognition (HAR) scenario, in which inputs are multichannel time series signals acquired from a set of body-worn inertial sensors and outputs are predefined human activities. Here, we present a feature learning method that deploys convolutional neural networks (CNN) to automate feature learning from the raw inputs in a systematic way. The influence of various important hyper-parameters such as number of convolutional layers and kernel size on the performance of CNN was monitored. Experimental results indicate that CNNs achieved significant speed-up in computing and deciding the final class and marginal improvement in overall classification accuracy compared to the baseline models such as Support Vector Machines and Multi-layer perceptron networks

    An explainable AI-based intrusion detection system for DNS over HTTPS (DoH) attacks

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    Over the past few years, Domain Name Service (DNS) remained a prime target for hackers as it enables them to gain first entry into networks and gain access to data for exfiltration. Although the DNS over HTTPS (DoH) protocol has desirable properties for internet users such as privacy and security, it also causes a problem in that network administrators are prevented from detecting suspicious network traffic generated by malware and malicious tools. To support their efforts in maintaining a secure network, in this paper, we have implemented an explainable AI solution using a novel machine learning framework. We have used the publicly available CIRA-CIC-DoHBrw-2020 dataset for developing an accurate solution to detect and classify the DNS over HTTPS attacks. Our proposed balanced and stacked Random Forest achieved very high precision (99.91%), recall (99.92%) and F1 score (99.91%) for the classification task at hand. Using explainable AI methods, we have additionally highlighted the underlying feature contributions in an attempt to provide transparent and explainable results from the model

    Human activity recognition from inertial sensor time-series using batch normalized deep LSTM recurrent networks

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    In recent years machine learning methods for human activity recognition have been found very effective. These classify discriminative features generated from raw input sequences acquired from body-worn inertial sensors. However, it involves an explicit feature extraction stage from the raw data, and although human movements are encoded in a sequence of successive samples in time most state-of-the-art machine learning methods do not exploit the temporal correlations between input data samples. In this paper we present a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) deep recurrent neural network for the classification of six daily life activities from accelerometer and gyroscope data. Results show that our LSTM can processes featureless raw input signals, and achieves 92 % average accuracy in a multi-class-scenario. Further, we show that this accuracy can be achieved with almost four times fewer training epochs by using a batch normalization approach

    An efficient deep learning model for intrusion classification and prediction in 5G and IoT networks

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    A Network Intrusion Detection System is a critical component of every internet-connected system due to likely attacks from both external and internal sources. Such Security systems are used to detect network born attacks such as flooding, denial of service attacks, malware, and twin-evil intruders that are operating within the system. Neural networks have become an increasingly popular solution for network intrusion detection. Their capability of learning complex patterns and behaviors make them a suitable solution for differentiating between normal traffic and network attacks. In this paper, we have applied a deep autoencoded dense neural network algorithm for detecting intrusion or attacks in 5G and IoT network. We evaluated the algorithm with the benchmark Aegean Wi-Fi Intrusion dataset. Our results showed an excellent performance with an overall detection accuracy of 99.9% for Flooding, Impersonation and Injection type of attacks. We also presented a comparison with recent approaches used in literature which showed a substantial improvement in terms of accuracy and speed of detection with the proposed algorithm

    Transfer learning for endoscopy disease detection and segmentation with mask-RCNN benchmark architecture

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    We proposed and implemented a disease detection and semantic segmentation pipeline using a modified mask-RCNN infrastructure model on the EDD2020 dataset1. On the images provided for the phase-I test dataset, for ’BE’, we achieved an average precision of 51.14%, for ’HGD’ and ’polyp’ it is 50%. However, the detection score for ’suspicious’ and ’cancer’ were low. For phase-I, we achieved a dice coefficient of 0.4562 and an F2 score of 0.4508. We noticed the missed and mis-classification was due to the imbalance between classes. Hence, we applied a selective and balanced augmentation stage in our architecture to provide more accurate detection and segmentation. We observed an increase in detection score to 0.29 on phase-II images after balancing the dataset from our phase-I detection score of 0.24. We achieved an improved semantic segmentation score of 0.62 from our phase-I score of 0.52

    A deep learning approach for length of stay prediction in clinical settings from medical records

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    Deep neural networks are becoming an increasingly popular solution for predictive modeling using electronic health records because of their capability of learning complex patterns and behaviors from large volumes of patient records. In this paper, we have applied an autoencoded deep neural network algorithm aimed at identifying short(0-7 days) and long stays (>7 days) in hospital based on patient admission records, demographics, diagnosis codes and chart events. We validated our approach using the de-identified MIMIC-III dataset. This proposed autoencoder+DNN model shows that the two classes are separable with 73.2% accuracy based upon ICD-9 and demographics features. Once vital chart events data such as body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate information available after 24 hour of admission is added to the model, the classification accuracy is increased up to 77.7%. Our results showed a better performance when compared to a baseline random forest model